PDX Police Sergeant Shoved Into Moving TriMet Bus At Occupy Portland March

November 3, 2011


Excerpt from Portland PD Report here

Tonight, Wednesday November 2, 2011, Portland Police officers from all precincts were called to assist with an Occupy Portland march through Downtown and the lower east side of Portland. This march started at Terry Schrunk Plaza and went throughout the Downtown core, crossing the river on the Hawthorne Bridge, into lanes of traffic along Southeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, and back Downtown across the Burnside Bridge.

At several points along the march, some participants refused police requests to stay on the sidewalk and took over streets, affecting traffic along the way.

During the march, one subject shoved a police sergeant into a moving TriMet bus, then ran back into the crowd. After the march was over, officers located the assault suspect and placed him under arrest. The sergeant suffered minor injuries and did not require medical attention.

30-year-old David Anthony Burgess was charged with Assaulting a Public Safety Officer, Interfering with a Police Officer, Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree, and Harassment. Burgess was booked into the Multnomah County Jail.

Due to the size of the march and the lack of cooperation from many participants, the Rapid Response Team (RRT) was called to assist with crowd management as well as officers from the Traffic Division and all three precincts.

Will Mayor Lollipop clean out the mess now? Or watch as violence esclates?

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