Patchouli * Smelling, Plastic Shoe Wearing, Al Gore Worshiping Protesters Rallying Troops to Counter Tea Party Protesters

November 18, 2009


*Thanks to 5th Listener who corrected my spelling
Daily Kos–the orb or, mecca, for the liberatti–is rallying the troops. They’ll be gathering at Pioneer Square and marching up. As I understand it, the tickets for Gore’s Shame-Spiral-It’s-All-America’s-Fault-for-Polar-Bear-Deaths Speaking Tour aren’t even sold out.

I guess for their bunch it’s cheaper to rally the Portland Professional Protesters than to buy them a ticket to get inside for the worship service.

Meantime, some of Portland Professional Protesters came early to vandalize the Keller. I heard about this on the news this morning and ran over to take some quick pix with my phone cam:

Meantime over at Bill Bradbury’s (Al Gore acolyte) website (here) he’s announcing that there are only 50 tickets left to the expensive affair for Bradbury’s gubernatorial run.
Anybody got a thousand they can loan me?




General Admission:

$25 (advance) / $40 (at the door)

Reserved Seating:


Reserved Seating (Front Row):

Reception with Al Gore prior to event:

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://