Terrorist writes letter of apology seeking lenient sentence

Convicted Oregon terrorist Mohamed Mohamud has sent a letter of apology to a Federal judge in a bid for leniency before his scheduled sentencing next week. Mohamud faces life in prison for helping to plan a bombing on November 26, 2010 that would have vaporized thousands of Christmas revelers at Portland’s Pioneer Square at the tree lighting ceremony. The then 19 year old terrorist twice tried to dial the code that would have detonated the bomb.
Instead, the FBI intercepted Mohamud as he reached out to terrorists, including notorious imam, Anwar al Awlaki (the imam to the Fort Hood Shooter and two 9/11 hijackers), and Samir Khan, the publisher of online terrorist magazines Jihad Recollections and Inspire, and members of Al Shabab, the Somali franchise of Al Qaeda.
Although Mohamud was portrayed during his trial as an innocent college student who had been cajoled by the opportunistic FBI, his letter to Judge Garr King showed it to be a lie. As he said in his letter,
I have renounced and I again renounce my former beliefs.
Mohamud began his letter by claiming he was horror stricken by the person he saw on the (FBI surveillance) tapes.
I keep asking myself, ‘Is that really me on the tape?’ My heart is filled with remorse, shame, sorrow, misery every time I think of my actions that day.

He also tried to strike a chord with the countrymen who took him in as his own him, Somalia, was riven with war and jihad.
“I have hurt not only my family and my friends, who had thought so well of me, but also my fellow Americans who had trusted me as their fellow compatriot. I am sorry, and I hope they can forgive me.”
He also offered to “speak to young Muslims to help keep them away from the path of extremism.” If he can keep Muslims from extremist beliefs and terroristm in Federal prison, that would be quite a feat. The prison system is among the greatest recruitment areas for Muslim extremists.
See other stories about the letter here and here. Find my posts about the Mo Mo trial below:
Mohamud Trial Day 11: Mo Mo to Nurse: “Al Qaeda … – Victoria Taft
www.victoriataft.com/mohamud-trial-day-11-mo–mo-to-nurse-al-qaeda-…Jan 29, 2013 – The prosecution finished presenting its case yesterday against Mohamed Osman Mohamud. The 21 year old is accused of trying to use a …
VICTORIA TAFT: Mohamud Trial Day 4: Mo Mo’s Martyr Tape
victoriataftkpam.blogspot.com/…/mohamud-trial-day-4-mo-mos-martyr-…Jan 15, 2013 – Mo Mo made a martyr tape. Oh, yes, he did. While the would-be jihadi never said he wanted to be martyred, just ‘operational’ (see yesterday’s …
VICTORIA TAFT: Mohamud Trial Day 3: Mo Mo’s Jihad Recollections
victoriataftkpam.blogspot.com/…/mohamud-trial-day-3-mo-mos-jihad.ht…Jan 15, 2013 – Background: Mohamed Osman Mohamud is on trial for trying to detonate a bomb to vaporize thousands of Portlanders during “The Tree” …
VICTORIA TAFT: Mo Mo Trial Starts Today.
victoriataftkpam.blogspot.com/2013/01/mo–mo-trial-starts-today.htmlJan 10, 2013 – Previous posts on the Mohamed Mohamud case: http://victoriataftkpam.blogspot.
com/2010/12/mo-mos-other-mosque-eight-terrorists-in.html -
VICTORIA TAFT: Mohamud Trial Day 9: “Champagne and a Blunt”
victoriataftkpam.blogspot.com/…/mohamud-trial-day-9-champagne-and-…Jan 27, 2013 – Mohamud Trial Day 9: “Champagne and a Blunt”. Defense attorneys in the terrorism case against Mohamed Osman Mohamud (Mo Mo) spent …
VICTORIA TAFT: Mohamud Trial Day 8: There’s a “Portland Mosque …
victoriataftkpam.blogspot.com/…/mohamud-trial-day-8-theres-portland….Jan 24, 2013 – When the informant asked Mohamud how “these guys get their things” –referring to weapons– Mo Mo told him they shouldn’t discuss such …
VICTORIA TAFT: Mohamud Trial Day 7: “Dial it Again.”
victoriataftkpam.blogspot.com/…/mohamud-trial-day-7-dial-it-again.htm…Jan 20, 2013 – It was a bomb Mohamed Mohamud declared “beautiful” earlier in the day. The bomb … It was a toggle switch Mo Mo himself had purchased.
VICTORIA TAFT: Mo Mo Trial Day 5: “The Tree is the Bait for the Fish”
victoriataftkpam.blogspot.com/…/mo–mo-trial-day-5-tree-is-bait-for-fish….Jan 17, 2013 – It was an effort to neutralize the defense’s claim that Mo Mo was entrapped into the terrorist plot. Video showed Mohamud getting excited at the …
VICTORIA TAFT: Mohamud Trial Day 10: “I’m Having the Greatest …
victoriataftkpam.blogspot.com/…/mohamud-trial-day-10-im-having-grea…Jan 28, 2013 – Raed Abdelli, one of Mohamud’s college buddies, recounted in court …Abdelli said he saw Mo Mo outside the JC Penney at the outlet mall in …
VICTORIA TAFT: Day 13: The Mohamud Case Goes to the Jury
victoriataftkpam.blogspot.com/…/day-13-mohamud-case-goes-to-jury.ht…Jan 31, 2013 – The jury is now considering whether Mohamed Mohamud was enticed …The defense argued Mo Mo was simply a talker not a doer and was …
Images for Victoria Taft Mo Mo Mohamud
Mo Mo Trial Day 6: “He Was Talking About Religion … – Victoria Taft
victoriataftkpam.blogspot.com/…/mo–mo-trial-day-6-he-was-talking-abo…Jan 18, 2013 – Mo Mo’s defense attorneys know better than that, of course. Mohamudhimself is heard on tape talking about becoming a mujahid, how his …
VICTORIA TAFT: Day 12 Mohamud Trial: “Your Honor, the Defense …
victoriataftkpam.blogspot.com/…/day-12-mohamud-trial-your-honor-de…Jan 29, 2013 – The defense has rested in case of Mohamed Mohamud in a … The defense witness said Mo Mo demonstrated this by drinking, taking drugs and …
victoriataftkpam.blogspot.com/…/guilty-verdict-in-mohamud-trial.htmlJan 31, 2013 – Day 13: Mohamud Trial Goes to Jury (Explainer of Case) · Closing Arguments: Guess … Day 3: Mo Mo’s Jihad Recollections · Mo Mo Trial Starts …
The Muslim Student Association: Where Mo Mo Met … – Victoria Taft
victoriataftkpam.blogspot.com/…/muslim-student-association-where-mo-…Nov 30, 2010 – When and where did Mo Mo become radicalized? … At a second meeting in August 2010, Mohamud allegedly told undercover FBI operatives …