See analysis below. See the Oregonian story here.
Get your OPERATION ID letter here. Taking victory laps today: Oregonians for Immigration Reform, The Victoria Taft Show, Daniel, Allen, and every person who has signed an Operation ID letter. We’re not done yet, however. Now come the plans to deliver the hundreds of letters we have. GET THEM IN and stay tuned to the Victoria Taft Show (6-9pm M-F) and this blog and the OFIR website for details.
The Governor has announced that he no longer will send his representatives to the Carousels of Crime once a month because they ‘no longer’ are open to everyone. In a a lame attempt to decoy the untrained reader into believing that something has changed about these Carousels, the Governor uses the phrase ‘no longer.’ But only illegal aliens are invited to these confabs. Ever. Anglos are not invited. Ever. Even illegal alien anglos. These Carousels are designed to provide state and federal benefits to illegal aliens. Period. They are designed to give illegal aliens Matricula Consular cards for idenification purposes to get free stuff in the United States. The Mexican government doesn’t use or honor matricula cards. They’re for use in the United States only. For illegal aliens. Who came to this country ILLEGALLY. Against the law. Abridging sovereignty.
Now what we need to do is stop issuing driver’s licenses to people who are in the country illegally, and forcing Bill Bradbury to check to see if the thousands of people on the new voter data base are citizens. He so far refuses using the excuse that the feds haven’t ordered him to do so although he could check if he wanted.
Here the Oregonian reveals its naivete, purposeful or otherwise, on just who is given the ‘free stuff’ at the Carousels of Crime:
The Mexican Consulate will hold more than a dozen Carousel of Information events in Oregon this year to issue “matricula consular” identification cards to Mexican nationals. The consulate does not ask people whether they are U.S. citizens or legal residents of the United States when issuing the cards.
Here’s what the governor now says about the Carousels of Crime. Note how he suddenly notices that only Mexican Nationals in the United States ILLEGALLY are invited to the Carousels of Crime:
But on Friday, the governor’s office informed agency directors that the state will discontinue its participation because the events are no longer open to everyone.
But what does the governor’s move mean exactly? Confusion ensues as we devine the triangulations of his spokeswoman:
Kulongoski’s spokeswoman, Anna Richter Taylor, said the governor has not changed his position and his decision was not politically motivated. “He still feels it’s important and an obligation to ensure that all who are eligible for public services have the information they need.”
The Labor Commissioner, Dan Gardner, apparently needs to get our Operation ID letters:
Labor Commissioner Dan Gardner says the Bureau of Labor and Industries will send a representative to today’s Carousel in Medford.
“Our job is to help employees and make sure they know what their rights are under the law and be sure they’re not being taken advantage of,” he said.
And clearly Hardly Matters, the Attorney General, and Secretary of State Bill Bradbury don’t feel the heat yet:
“The attorney general believes the department’s consumer protection efforts are effective in any forum that would reach consumers that may be victimized.”
The secretary of state will also continue to distribute its guide to starting a business in Oregon through the consulate, a spokeswoman said Friday.
Here’s the Mexican Consul’s response.
“I’m disappointed, of course. But of course we are respectful,”[emphasis added] Oregon Consul General Fernando Sanchez Ugarte said in an interview Friday. “Since immigration is a hot issue and being discussed by candidates for governor in our state, it has also come to affect our work.”