On 9/11 Anniversary Portland Public Schools Kick Marines Off Campus at Football Game

September 11, 2009


Kohr Harlan at KOIN 6 has the story at 11pm tonight. US Marines show up at the Grant game in a city park (the bowl) and are asked to leave–booted off city property–because of Portland’s no recruiting on school time policy [pictured: soldiers from Oregon’s 41st IBCT]

Technically speaking, this was in a park and this was off school hours. Is it legally supportable to kick the Marines out of the park at night? At a game? In non school hours? Under No Child Left Behind, schools must allow military recruiters on campus (now we know why the left hates NCLB) just as they allow college and employment recruiters. Here’s part of the language of the school district’s policy:
“Military recruiters must have main office clearance from the principal or the designee to be on PPS property for any reason. This includes but is not limited to presence in the parking lot, athletic fields and hallways.” Find the policy here.
If Greenpeace had shown up???? If ACORN had shown up??? If coaches had shown up??? If a company recruiting kids had shown up??? What would have happened? They would have been welcomed, that’s what.
I’m ashamed that our school district has a policy kicking out recruiters because of the left’s hatred for the military. We’re in two wars and western civilization depends upon winning. Our schools have become tools of politically correct eunichs.
Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://www.victoriataft.com