Mass Shooting At Ft. Hood Texas. *Reaction Coming In

November 5, 2009


12 dead, 3 shooters, more than 30 wounded.
One of the shooters, an apparent Jordanian emigre, was a  psychiatrist AND A RECENT MUSLIM CONVERT.
Said one of my 5th Listeners:

Please not a US Major ?  Why would “we the people”  worry about a U.S, ARMY  Major?  
 I promise you that I, as a former officer of the US military,  hope this information  is wrong. 
Is it time to take another look at the nasty business of profiling?
No Officer I ever have known would ever kill his or her own troops. This murder of our finest is in no way anything I can comprehend.
Captain Armchair

Breaking reports, 2 maybe 3 shooters, 7 dead 20 wounded being reported.

Fox News

Washington Post

DFW Fox 4

Reports are sketchy, motive currently unknown.

No statement yet from Obama

Fox DFW reports the White House has assembled a “situation team” to “assess the situation.”

Hannity states FBI claims terrorism not suspected.

Shooting began about 11:30 Pacific Time.

Fox reports Obama “receiving updates on shooting.” Still no comment

Death toll upped to 9 dead 27 wounded, unconfirmed at 1:36 PM

Obama may address the nation concerning shooting at 2 PM Pacific Time, teleprompter has to be loaded first I imagine.

Reports of shooter cornered inside a building, according to SWAT Team from Killeen PD

News Conference by 3rd Div Commander says shooter killed, 2 additional apprehended as suspects. Dead shooter identified as soldier. 12 dead, 31 wounded.

Obama reading hastily written speech, giving shout outs to press corps, assures follow up.

Giving credit to Troops, no announcement yet on reinforcing Troops in Afghanistan

Thanking press corps for participation, press corps applauds

DFW Fox identifies shooter as an Army Major Malik Nadal Hasan

Shooter identified as a “Mental Health Professional,” a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://