Left Goes After Damascus Mayor

October 1, 2012

Steve Spinnett and Family

Maybe they didn’t think anyone would notice because, after all, Damascus isn’t Portland, but thanks to the efforts of Americans for Prosperity in Clackamas County, notice we have.

There’s been a systematic attack on the Mayor of Damascus Steve Spinnett. The attacks have taken the form of defacing and “mutilating” Spinnett for Mayor signs and accusing his wife of “recording” documents with her phone on a visit to the information desk at City Hall. She handed over her phone to police which found no such images.
And now there’s a meeting tonight–controlled by those who have contributed to Spinnett’s November opponent–huh?!–to remove some of his responsibilities.

It’s getting ugly out there.

This is how the left plays when their utopian plans meet with opposition. They vandalize, frighten, lie about and otherwise create chaos in order to taint someone.  Spinnett, Dan Phegley, Mel O’Brien and  Bill Wehr all members of the anti Metro group Ask Damascus have been targeted.

As one insider puts it, these are judges of Spinnett at tonight’s meeting:

It will be voted on by councilors whether to strip Mayor Spinnett from his official duty to communicate with the City Manager.  Included in this will be appointing Council President Diana Helm in this capacity to set the Council agenda each week with the City Manager.

This is a power grab to derail the campaigns of Mayor Spinnett and Phegley, O’Brien,Wehr (POW). It is to protect the city staff from the consequence of bad judgement. It will place unwarranted authority in the hands of the city staff, rather than what is given the duly elected Mayor, who represents the citizens by majority vote of the citizens.

The judges:

Diana Helm- Will be in the position of appointing herself. She is a supporter and financial contributor to the Wescott campaign for Mayor. She is a supporter of the slate running for councilors against Ask Damascus slate. She is also major advertiser in Sunrise Times. It is an anti- Spinnett anti- Ask Damascus newspaper distributed by mail to each household in Damascus. Attended now famous secret meeting in April 2012.
Councilor Wescott- Running against Steve for Mayor. Hosted now famous secret meeting.
Councilor Jackman- Running for Mayor
Councilor Shannon- The one earlier in the year who entered the motion and was passed to censor Steve from writing in the city newsletter until this December. Attended and provided security for now famous secret meeting.
This will be the majority- the other two Councilors usually follow suit.

Show up tonight to make sure this travesty doesn’t happen.

Here are the evil plans of the four candidates:

  • Businesses and jobs: We pledge to change our City Council from being business unfriendly to business friendly. We have had several instances where entrepreneurs inquired about business start ups but were denied for one reason or another. Council attempted to force Goodwill out of their place, but fortunately we prevailed and allowed them to stay.
  • Local Control: We will work to complete a Comprehensive Plan that will make sense for our citizens that want local control rather than dictated control from outside our City. We work for you not the state, Metro or anybody else. We realize we have laws we have to abide by, but let’s design our city our way because we do have a lot of options!
  • Private Property Rights: We will pass no unnecessary and/or redundant ordinances. The rights of property owners are foremost as we complete the Comprehensive Plan.
  • Responsible spending and taxation: We insist that every property tax dollar be accounted for and justified. We support a YES vote on measure 3404 which will limit city spending, taxes and debt with the intent to refund the remainder back to you.

I can see why the left doesn’t like these guys.

All the more reason to vote for them.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://www.victoriataft.com