I Always Visit My Buds in Colorado’s Super Max.

April 8, 2010


I’m sure it’s no big deal that our Colorado buddy from Qatar (here) who joked about setting his shoe on fire while smoking in the airplane privy was just joking. And then this afternoon
I learned he was visiting his friend—the terrorist–in the Super Max in Florence, Colorado. 
Huh, at the same place that Rich Reid, the shoe bomber, was staying? Really? Smell test: who believes this jive. 
Now, hmmmm. lets see… who was the, er, diplomat, there to see?

The diplomat is on his way back to Washington today and is expected to be sent out of the country soon as both sides are looking for a way to bring the matter to a close without further embarrassment, according to a senior U.S. official who spoke on the condition of anonymity due to diplomatic sensitivities surrounding the situation.

Al-Madadi was flying first class to Denver for a consular visit with jailed al Qaeda member Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri who is imprisoned at the Colorado “supermax” penitentiary. Al-Marri was arrested in Illinois shortly after the 9/11 attacks and is believed to have been an al Qaeda sleeper agent.

Gee, I wonder who ELSE is in that big, bad prison? Well, let me tell you: Khalid Sheik Mohammaed’s (KSM’s) nephew, Ramzi Yousef (you know, the bad guy from the first WTC bombing in 1993); his buddy,  Mahmud Abouhalima, Jose Padilla, the dirty bomber; and assorted, big time criminals. And wiki has others:

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://www.victoriataft.com