How Nice, Pelosi “Receptive to Republican Ideas”

November 9, 2010


In an op-ed piece written for USA Today, disastrous outgoing Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D Ca), after boasting of all they accomplished under her tutelage in 111th Congress, such as massive ongoing unemployment, the two largest deficits in history destroying any semblance of “fiscal discipline,” cramming unwritten legislation down the throats of the American people, denying the opposition party any independent voice and alienating even her own party members, now declares, “As we go forward, we welcome Republican ideas…”

“As we go forward,” Mrs. Pelosi?

Remember what retiring fellow Democrat Brian Baird said about Mrs. Pelosi in his book, revealed in the Wall Street Journal op-ed, Requiem for the Pelosi Democrats

“It’s been an authoritarian, closed leadership.”

And, that fiscal responsibility she boasts about? “Now we’re authorizing programs for three years instead of five in an attempt to pretend we’re saving money.”

And, that healthcare reform she’s so proud of? “What the hell were we doing voting on this?”

Most telling, I believe, is when Baird said, “Democrats will also have to recognize why they lost touch with voters.”

Not only that, maybe he and the other Democrats left can help the old crone Pelosi “recognize she has lost touch with reality.”

Mrs. Pelosi is in no position to state, “As we go forward, we welcome Republican ideas,” since with the 112th Congress, she will no longer be the Speaker of the House and if many Democrats have it their way, her “authoritarian, closed leadership” will ensure she does not have any position of leadership in her party.

Perhaps she didn’t receive the memo sent out by voters across America November 2, 2010.

Mrs. Pelosi, you lost!

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://