Hmmm…From Pro Illegal Immigration Crowd

June 21, 2007


Right off their websites (re: the rally Wednesday):

Actually, the “Guest Worker” program as proposed by Bush and co. isn’t so great. Maybe if these workers were actually treated as guests, if they had the same protections and rights on the job, if they had the ability to become citizens, then it would be a good thing. But it’s not, as the guest workers would be treated more like slaves than guests.

My favorite commment of the day from one of the anti-immigrant wackos was in response to my question about her statement about the importance of the rule of law, that these people (the detained workers) were criminals. I asked her if she would have supported slavery when it was legal. But the fun part was when I asked her what should would be willing to do for her children. Wouldn’t she cross a border, break a law if it was the only way to give her children a chance of having a decent life? She said that instead of coming here and breaking the law, she would organize a revolution and overthrow the government at home. But wouldn’t that be, umm, I dunno…ILLEGAL???

In other words, this person clamoring about respecting the law, and getting all crazy over some (victimless!) forgery, instead suggested that people rise up in mass to violently overthrow their government. Interesting…

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://