FBI Fibs to Portland Mayor Potter Declaring: "There’s no corruption in Portland."

May 24, 2006


Potter: “Unacceptable” for FBI to try to an establish informant inside City Hall. Ken Lay, Congressmen William Jefferson and Randy “Duke” Cunningham agree.

Portland Mayor, Prince Tom Potter, has accused the local office of the FBI of trying to set up a snitch at City Hall. In an open letter to the “Portland Community”, Potter relates the story about the Federal Agent who approached a City Hall worker on the public street:

He asked if she would be willing to pass information to him relating to people who work for the City of Portland . He said that while he had duties in other areas, the agency was always interested in information relating to white collar crime and other things.
One important and legitimate role of the FBI is to investigate public corruption within government entities. For example, recently the FBI arrested a member of Congress for public corruption.
But federal officials have told me they know of no public corruption in our city. Federal officials say they are conducting no investigation of the City of Portland.

Potter then goes on to explain that recent [LEGAL] wiretaps of Al Qaeda connected individuals has tainted the FBI and added fuel to the ‘big brother’ fires burning on the fringe left.

So here’s the apparent logic: Because the FBI has conducted perfectly legal wiretaps of al qaeda types there’s no corruption at Portland’s City Hall.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://www.victoriataft.com