Do A,C.O.R.N. and LaRaza Get Hand Outs in Bail Out? Check it out here:

September 28, 2008


Start searching the bail out package here.
We mentioned in Friday and you probably heard it over the weekend. This from IBD (here) on Friday:

One of the sticking points in resolving the crisis was a poison pill in the Dodd/Paulson compromise that would move 20% of profits from the bailout into the Housing Trust Fund, a slush fund for political action groups such as ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) and the National Council of La Raza.

Don’t bother telling me what wonderful organizations these are. These folks are the Saul Alinky inspired groups that can, and sometimes do, nice things for poor people, but that’s only when they’re not registering people to vote Democrat, radicalizing illegal aliens and their kindred in the name of ‘social justice,’ and committing voter registration fraud. Giving these groups millions is like underwriting their Get Out the Vote (GOTV) ops. They don’t have to spend as much for their purported purpose and instead get to drop millions to get their friends like BHO hired. No thanks.

A new whistle-blower report from the Consumer Rights League claims that ACORN routinely commingles funds from its housing arm into political projects such as voter registration and get-out-the-vote drives. Money is fungible. Any taxpayer money that ACORN gets for housing makes it easier for the group to put its other funds into voter drives.

From the Wall Street Journal:

Here’s the exact, amazing language from the Democratic proposal, breaking out how the money would be divided and dispensed:

“Deposits. Not less than 20% of any profit realized on the sale of each troubled asset purchased under this Act shall be deposited as provided in paragraph (2).

“Use of Deposits. 65% shall be deposited into the Housing Trust Fund established under section 1338 of the Federal Housing Enterprises Regulatory Reform Act . . . ; and 35% shall be deposited into the Capital Magnet Fund . . .

“Remainder Deposited in the Treasury. All amounts remaining after payments under paragraph (1) shall be paid into the General Fund of the Treasury for reduction of the public debt.”

What we have here essentially are a pair of government slush funds created in July as part of the Economic Recovery Act that pump tax dollars into the coffers of low-income housing advocacy groups, such as Acorn.

Acorn, one of America’s most militant left wing “community activist groups,” is spending $16 million this year to register Democrats to vote in November. In the past several years, Acorn’s voter registration programs have come under investigation in Ohio, Colorado, Michigan, Missouri and Washington, while several of their employees have been convicted of voter fraud.

Along with other potential recipients of these funds, including the National Council of La Raza and the Urban League, Acorn has promoted laws like the Community Reinvestment Act, which laid the foundation for the house of cards built out of sub prime loans. Thus, we’d be funneling more cash to the groups that helped create the lending mess in the first place.

“My Check Ain’t Hurrrrrrr..”

“Which Voters Were Real?”

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://