Dems Debate

June 4, 2007


One thing besides Hillary’s cackling here was Edwards’ make up job. It looks like an old episode of WKRP in Cincinnati when Mr. Carlson, a notorious bumbler, decides to run for office. He must engage in a televised debate which will require make up which is puttied on in the wrong color. While I couldn’t find a picture of that episode, I think you get the picture with John Edwards’ photo. Look at the color of his face, now look at his ear.

From CNN:

“They went quietly to the floor of the Senate, cast the right vote — but there is a difference between leadership and legislators,” Edwards said at the Democratic presidential debate in Manchester, New Hampshire.

“The importance of this is, they’re asking to be president of the United States,” he said. “And there is a difference between making clear, speaking to your followers, speaking to the American people about what you believe needs to be done, and I think all of us have a responsibility to lead on these issues.”

Edwards voted for the October 2002 resolution that authorized the invasion of Iraq, but now calls that vote a mistake.

Sen. Barack Obama, of Illinois, who opposed the war before taking office in 2005, shot back that “I opposed this war from the start.” (Watch contenders clash over Iraq war Video)

“You’re about four and a half years late on leadership on this issue,” Obama said “And, you know, I think it’s important not to play politics on something that is as critical and as difficult as this.”

Hillary Clinton also voted to authorize the March 2003 invasion, but the New York senator and former first lady said she was supporting “coercive diplomacy” by pressuring Iraq to allow U.N. weapons inspectors into the country.

But she said President Bush short-circuited the inspections to launch the war; and when it came time to vote on another $100 billion in war spending, “I thought the best way to support our troops was to send a very strong message that they should begin to come home.” (Gallery: Behind the scenes at the debate)

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