It seems odd that officials of this state DO NOT require you to prove citizenship to vote, receive state benefits, or receive a driver’s license. It doesn’t seem just odd, it seems downright ridiculous in a post 9/11 world, and at a time when the government consistently pleads poverty. Here’s a partial solution: stop giving away free stuff to people who don’t deserve it (like tomorrow at the Carousel of Crime).
We’re calling on the Governor and Secretary of State to do their jobs and insist on ID. That’s why we’re calling this OPERATION ID. Please go to this website, print the letter, sign it and add your address (don’t worry we won’t do anything with it; ironically it’s just for authenticity’s sake), and send it back to ME. We will walk those into the state capitol as a pre announced time. Will you be a part of OPERATION ID?
Please go here, download this letter and then send it to:
Victoria Taft, OPERATION ID, KPAM Radio, 888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 790, Portland, Oregon 97204.
or print this page, sign and return to address above
I’d like you to check if persons applying for state benefits, driver’s licenses, and voting privileges are American citizens and legal residents of Oregon. In short, you should make people requesting these benefits PROVE IT!
- Mr. Bradbury has said recently that asking for proof of citizenship would deter voter participation. He’s absolutely right. It would deter people who are not legal citizens from voting. We shouldn’t have to point out to you that this is how it should be.
- At a time when the Department of Human Services is $172 million in the hole five months into their current fiscal year budget, giving away benefits to people who are non-citizens makes no sense and is an insult to taxpayers who expect their dollars to go to needy Oregon citizens!
- In the case of Oregon driver’s licenses, we’ve seen the mockery that is the system of identification at the DMV in the recent Hillsboro case in which 80,000 people, most illegal aliens, with PHONY ID received driver’s licenses.
Sirs, let’s be clear here: this isn’t about anti-immigration, as some in the media and in activist groups would frame it; this is about being opposed to giving benefits and services to ILLEGAL immigrants. ILLEGAL.
In a post 9/11 world, in a time at which government officials tell us important state programs go wanting for tax dollars, we demand you immediately order state government workers to require people who want to fully participate in these activities PROVE they’re citizens.
We should require no less.
Signed by:____________________________ Print: ___________________________
Address: ___________________________ City: ___________ St:____ Zip:_______
___ I am actual U.S. citizen living in the State of Oregon