And he had a message for them to take to the President.

Yesterday I got a call from SABO. He’s an artist whose work you may know:

Photo: Victoria Taft
He said while he was gone Tuesday, the Secret Service paid him a visit. Agents left their cards and claimed they wanted to discuss an issue of ‘identity theft’ with him. I asked him if he knew what they were referring to. SABO said no. I told him to not discuss one thing with the agents without an attorney and tried to see if fellow BlogForce Member Rees Lloyd was in Southern California and could maybe be there.

Photo: Victoria Taft
It turns out maybe I needn’t have worried. SABO was more than ready for them. First, he didn’t let them into his house, but he deployed his Go Pro camera and had The Hollywood Reporter there which reported,
True to his provocative style, Sabo had prepared for the encounter by plastering his apartment walls with posters bearing the name Oswald. The agents, who conducted their interview through the apartment’s windows, snapped pictures of the interior including the rifle against the wall.
I would have advised him against doing that. And maybe this:
One of the agents told Sabo during the interview: “You really need to think about some of this stuff you’re tweeting. It really could be construed in many different ways.”
Sabo responded: “I realize we have a f—head in the White House. And the constitution no longer means sh–. As far as I’m conceded, this is a first amendment issue.”