Connecticut Citizen to Anti Gun Lawmakers: You Can’t Control Everything, Evil Exists. Constitution Guarantees Liberty–Not Safety.

March 21, 2013


Guns testimony CtH/T CNS
He didn’t ride in on one, but Robert STEED took it to Connecticut lawmakers with some common sense observations about a flurry of gun legislation following the Newtown, Connecticut school shooting. Steed observed this is his third day he’d taken off work to testify.

“I can’t for the life of me understand how this state can have as many gun laws on the books as it does and have members of its Legislature need to take firearms 101. “

Steed calmly countered some of the snide remarks about the National Rifle Association he’d heard bandied about by the committee members saying, 

“The NRA will do more  about firearms safety this weekend than this committee will do in your careers.”

And the fall out of the school shooting and its effect on safety:

“Adam Lanza commits a crime and I’m here to grovel for my rights and explain to you that my firearms are kept safely.”

And not only does Steed have to explain about gun safety, he needs to explain the constitution,

“The reason that your jobs are becoming so difficult is because you’re coloring outside the lines of constitutional parameters. That’s the bottom line. You are trying to marriage up public safety with constitutional rights. The Constitution did not guarantee public safety, it guaranteed liberty. And sometimes what comes with liberty is tragedy, unfortunately,” he stated

Watch this video of this man’s testimony. Somebody transcribe it take it with them when they testify. He’s masterful.