Carousel of Crime and the Crime Busters

February 13, 2006


An Operation ID signer at the Carousel of Crime.

The Register Guard covers the story here.
Here are some excerpts here:

“I don’t think it’s right for people to come here and step in front of line,” said Daniel Miglavs of Sherwood[pictured right], a spokesman for Oregonians for Immigration Reform. [far right is Michael Armstrong of
Angel Lopez, legal adviser for the Mexican consular, said he felt the protesters were interfering with the legitimate business affairs of a foreign government. He said the event deserved tighter security by federal marshals to ensure order.

Anti-immigration [?!] activists rallied Saturday in Eugene to oppose providing state social services to noncitizens and to criticize the Mexican consulate for issuing identification cards to immigrants.

Spanish-speaking representatives from several state agencies joined Mexican officials to offer information about health care, food stamps, wage and hour provisions and other state services.

“Several of the protesters arrived from around the state in sport utility vehicles and trucks adorned with Republican candidate bumper stickers.” Insert scary sound effects here.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://