"Captives of the Universe" Maxine Waters *corrected

February 11, 2009


I’m sure those bank CEO’s felt that they were “captives” of the universe as Waters questioned them in the House Financial Services Committee comandeered by Barney Frank (Here).

Waters called them “captives” of the universe and quickly corrected the cliche to say, “captains” of the universe. She was right the first time. Any of these guys taking government money know now, if they didn’t before, that their companies are going to be held captive to government. They’re in essence “nationalized” and therefore congressional reps feel comfortable telling them how to run their business.
We should know how they’re spending “our” money, but that’s why we shouldn’t give them anymore, or, at the very least, get rid of the mark to market accounting practices that is forcing them to hold onto the toxic assets at absurd prices.

Waters then asked a question of the panelists that was so absurd that as she asked it I turned to my kid (home sick with the bug), and said, ‘what is she saying?’ It was at that point that the B of A CEO said something like, “I don’t understand what you’re talking about.” At this point, Waters, with hands extended in ‘who me?’ form, asked plaintively, “Does anyone understand what I’m talking about?”
No, Maxine, we don’t.

If you can find the video of that, I’d be most grateful.
Andy from Beaverton, once again, comes through. After watching it I’ve corrected my quotes (above):

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://www.victoriataft.com