Bruce McCain: Monica Wehby taps out of state $$$

February 9, 2014


wehbyPortland Physician Latest in Line of Moderate GOP Establishment Candidates

As expected, the race for the 2014 GOP nomination to oppose Democratic incumbent U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley is shaping up as a two-way battle between a moderate GOP Establishment-backed candidate and a grass roots candidate relying almost exclusively on individual Oregonians for support. Any questions as to where Dr. Monica Wehby and State Rep. Jason Conger fit into that narrative were answered with the filing of their most recent FEC year-end campaign reports.

Wehby reported total receipts of $501,353, compared to Conger’s $213,102. A closer examination of each campaign’s report shows Wehby is relying heavily on out-of-state contributors and D.C. lobby PAC’s, while 95% of Conger’s money came from individual Oregonians. Of Wehby’s reported half million dollars in receipts, some $216,630 or 43% were out-of-state contributions. In fact, Wehby’s out-of-state fund-raising exceeded Conger’s $204,000 raised in state from Oregon individuals.

Bruce McCain is an Oregon attorney in private practice, retired Multnomah County Sheriff’s Captain, a member of the Reynolds School Board and is a member of the Blogforce. This piece was originally posted at his blog Oregon Oracle.