Brits Look to America and See Hopelessness and the Wrong Change

September 26, 2010


Obama, after snubbing and slapping at our British friends since gaining office, has received a well deserved comeuppance in the British Press recently.

What happened to the Barack Obama dream?

“Despite a string of legislative successes, Mr Obama has failed to make voters believe that he has helped them, or that he cares more about their jobs and savings than about a long-standing Democratic agenda of health care and enforcing greener energy use on industry. Although he has passed major financial reforms, his economic team has been deemed too close to Wall Street and too protective of the mega-bonus culture.”
“There is a view that the elation of becoming the first black president and the euphoria that accompanied his inauguration helped create a degree of arrogance in the White House that has led the President and his advisers to blame the media, or Republicans, for what the electorate is really thinking.”

The “dream” turned out to be a nightmare for America.

Barack Obama: the Great Unravelling of a One-Term President?

“The president can’t stop blaming George W Bush for anything that goes wrong but it will be the current rather than the former president who Democrats will take to task after November.”
“Obama scarcely helped himself this week when he responded in a CNBC “town hall” event to a black woman who said she was ‘exhausted of defending you’ by prefacing his answer with ‘as I said before’ – code for ‘you’re clearly too dumb to have understood me the first time’.”

November, the restoration of a Free America begins.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://