Murietta Border Patrol Station (FAILED)
25762 Madison Ave., Murrieta, CA FAILED http://www.latimes.com/local/la-me-murrieta-immigrants-20140702-story.html Protesters turned buses around
FEMA Training facility (FAILED)
61 Responder Dr, Anniston, AL http://blog.al.com/news_impact/print.html?entry=/2014/07/feds_reverse_course_on_plan_to.html
Grumman Facility (FAILED)
15 Grumman Rd W, Bethpage, NY http://longisland.news12.com/news/officials-grumman-out-as-immigrant-relocation-site-1.8590933
Altamont Building (FAILED)
145 W Broad St. http://thetimes-tribune.com/news/barletta-agency-eyes-hazleton-building-as-refugee-center-for-immigration-crisis-1.1711775
Abandoned Walmart (FAILED)
Note: Location is approximate, and refers to an ABANDONED Walmart, not the current one. http://dailycaller.com/2014/06/25/feds-eye-abandoned-wal-mart-for-child-immigrant-housing/
1400 aliens. Location within Fort Sill is indeterminate. http://newsok.com/oklahoma-gov.-mary-fallin-says-young-illegal-immigrants-at-fort-sill-are-in-good-shape/article/4948981
Berks Family Center (IMPLEMENTED)
The government currently operates only one immigrant family detention center, in Berks County, Pa. Brane praised the facility, but said it can only house 96 people at most, and only for weeks or mo…
Former Holiday Inn (FAILED)
263 rooms 100 Whitehaven Rd., Grand Island, NY http://www.buffalonews.com/city-region/grand-island/officials-seeking-shelter-for-young-illegal-immigrants-thought-island-hotel-was-vacant-20140620
Lackland Air Force Base (IMPLEMENTED)
San Antonio, TX Lackland Air Force Base Nearby: 204 S Frank Luke Dr San Antonio, TX IMPLEMENTED Second time that this AFB has been used to house immigrants, many reports of widespread disease http://…
Lexington Commerce Center (FAILED)
Greece, NY Lexington Commerce Center 1600 Lexington Ave. FAILED After public outcry the site was deemed “unable to house children for extended periods of time” http://www.democratandchronicle.com/st…
Kenwood Academy (PROPOSED)
UPDATE (7/16): Kenwood Academy out as child immigrant housing center http://blog.timesunion.com/localpolitics/15755/kenwood-academy-out-as-immigrant-housing-center/#comment-92754 Albany, NY Kenwood …
Conroe Shelter for Children (IMPLEMENTED)
Conroe, TX Conroe Shelter for Children Address is approximate. IMPLEMENTED http://www.yourhoustonnews.com/courier/news/wave-of-illegal-immigrants-may-affect-conroe-shelter-for-children/article_05d8ec…
Fort Drum, NY Fort Drum 10000 10th Mtn. Division Dr. propsed site Fort Drum Regional Liason had “no idea” that Fort Drum was under consideration http://www.wwnytv.com/news/local/Feedback-Housing-Ref…
Olympia Fields Monastery (FAILED)
Chicago, IL Olympia Fields Monastery 20300 Governor’s Highway FAILED blocked after representative and congressional candidate spoke out against putting immigrants there and creating an “Orphanage” ht…
St. Paul’s College (FAILED)
Lawrenceville, VA St. Paul’s College 115 College Dr. FAILED This small town’s residents pushed back and forced feds to reverse planned facility http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/feds-apologize-misc…
Reports now say that UACs have not been housed at the base yet, but they are on their way. The federal government is considering a plan to house undocumented kids up to the age of 18 at Joint Base …
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (IMPLEMENTED)
Artesia, NM Federal Law Enforcement Training Center 1300 W Richey Ave. IMPLEMENTED Being held where border patrol agents are trained, angry residents speaking out at town halls, will be open for a “y…
Former Drug Facility (PROPOSED)
Upper Marlboro, MD Former Drug Treatment Facility 4620 Melwood Rd. propsed site in “early stages” of evaluation http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2014-06-17/news/bs-md-new-shelters-20140617_1_sites-ch…
Border Patrol Station (IMPLEMENTED)
Brownsville, TX Border Patrol Station 3305 U.S. 83 Brownsville, TX IMPLEMENTED http://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-texas-immigrant-children-20140618-story.html#page=1
Old nursing home facility (FAILED)
Escondido, CA Old nursing home facility 1817 Avenida Del Diablo, Escondido CA | FAILED Public outrage forced feds to abandon planned center http://www.10news.com/news/proposed-facility-in-escondido-f…
Nogales Warehouse (IMPLEMENTED)
Nogales, AZ Warehouse 1500 West La Quinta Road Nogales IMPLEMENTED http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/immigration/2014/06/18/arizona-immigrant-children-holding-area-tour/10780449/
Former College Student Housing (PROPOSED)
Tucson, AZ Former College Student Housing Center Oracle Road Proposed site http://www.kvoa.com/news/migrant-placement-center-in-tucson-upsetting-some-area-residents/
Former Sharp-Cabrillo Skilled Nursing Center (PROPOSED)
May house thousands of aliens in an abandoned medical facility. http://www.10news.com/news/source-thousands-of-immigrant-children-coming-to-san-diego-062514
Dallas County Center (PROPOSED)
On Thursday, Judge Jenkins announced three proposed sites to house the youngsters. Those places include Hulcy Middle School in Dallas’ Red Bird area, the Lamar School in Grand Prairie, and a building…
Metro West Complex (FAILED)
Both US Senators from Maryland blocked the proposed illegal alien housing facility at a vacant Social Security Administration Building in downtown Baltimore, MD. http://articles.baltimoresun.com/201…
Wolverine Human Services Facility (PROPOSED)
UPDATE: City residents oppose the planned facility in Vassar and worry about health implications. http://www.mlive.com/news/saginaw/index.ssf/2014/07/unauthorized_immigrants_subjec.html City offici…
Cathedral of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (PROPOSED)
On Tuesday church leaders told KFOX14 that immigrants would be coming in waves to Las Cruces and staying at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. http://www.kfoxtv.com/news/features/top-stor…
George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IMPLEMENTED)
Illegal Immigrants Being Flown Into Houston Thursday, July 3 After Murrieta, California Rejection http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-Texas/2014/07/03/Illegal-Immigrants-Being-Shipped-to-Houston
San Benito Church (PROPOSED)
A fourth shelter plans to open here to house children amid a wave of immigrants coming from Central American countries, a local pastor said. http://www.valleymorningstar.com/news/local_news/article…
Oyster Creek Children’s Center (IMPLEMENTED)
40-100 illegal aliens are being housed in the Children’s Center in this small Texas town. http://www.myfoxhouston.com/story/25939263/brazoria-county-youth-center-becomes-home-to-immigrant-children
Naval Base (Port Hueneme) (IMPLEMENTED)
575 illegal aliens are being housed at the Naval Base in Port Hueneme, CA. No (local officials) were aware of the housing initiative “until they read it in the newspapers like everyone else.” http:/…
His House Children’s Home (IMPLEMENTED)
This information was given to NumbersUSA by a US Representative from Florida. His House (His House Children’s Home) Miami Gardens, FL.33055 LINK: http://www.hhch.org/
It seems that two planeloads of illegal aliens were recently shipped to Massachusetts. The first reportedly landed at Hanscom Air Force Base in Bedford. According to my tipster, approximately 160 ille…
Boston Logan Airport (IMPLEMENTED)
A planeload of illegal aliens landed at this airport. Local officials are asking questions but DHS is keeping details under wraps. http://www.lowellsun.com/todaysheadlines/ci_26022462/hanscom-fligh…
Virginia Intermont College (FAILED)
UPDATE: State refugee health coordinator for VA has told callers this planned location has now been reversed. This comes after the Washington County Board voted unanimously to send a resolution to lo…
Former Army Reserve Building (FAILED)
UPDATE: The office of U.S. Congressman Bill Flores tells KAGS-HD that the old Bryan Army Reserve Facility will “NOT” be used to house illegal immigrants. http://kagstv.com/News/KAGSNews/ID/4257/Bry…
Signs on Catholic Charities office in Nashville has residents on high alert to the possibility that illegal aliens will be housed in Tennessee. Click link below to urge Senators to oppose any plans. …
Former Al Price Juvenille Detentio Center (PROPOSED)
UPDATE: The chances of unaccompanied minors entering the country by the thousands being housed in Southeast Texas is now very unlikely according to the Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas. http:…
Children’s Center in Galveston (IMPLEMENTED)
Dozens of illegal aliens are being housed at the Children’s Center on the corner of 45th and N in Galveston. They were transported here from the Houston Airport. http://www.khou.com/news/local/Chi…
Green Family Camp in Bruceville (IMPLEMENTED)
A normally quiet country road in Bruceville, south of Waco, bustled with bus traffic for weeks this spring as between 1,000 and 2,000 children were trucked in from the border. Although the kids may…
Southwest Key Facility (IMPLEMENTED)
According to this job posting by SouthWest Key, the company that was contracted by the federal government to prepare housing for the illegal aliens, a facility was opened on June, 21 in Tuscon. Loc…
Grand Rapids Housing Males (IMPLEMENTED)
We found a description for a job opening in Grand Rapids: “Position involves working in a team-orientated, trauma-informed, group home setting for male unaccompanied minors.” Location not disclosed. …
Terrell Middle School (PROPOSED)
UPDATE: Feds plan to bring illegal aliens to the school in the middle of the night (1 a.m. – 2a.m.) to avoid protesters. UPDATE: Locals are furious over the proposed center, especially when their ch…
Big Flats Aviation Facility (PROPOSED)
The Federal Emergency Management Agency called Chemung County June 23 to tell them the now-closed Sikorsky Customer Delivery & Completion Center was being considered as a reception center, Chemung C…
Adelanto Center adding 650 beds (IMPLEMENTED)
Southern California’s largest immigrant detention center is adding 650 more beds as part of an expansion that will help ease overflow in the Los Angeles area, federal officials said. http://www.the…
Chula Vista BP Station (IMPLEMENTED)
The 140 illegal aliens who were turned away in Murrieta, CA ended up here at this Border Patrol Station. http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-California/2014/07/02/Illegal-Alien-Buses-Arrive-In-Chula-…
Former Bill Clayton Detention Center (PROPOSED)
UPDATE (7/16): Littlefield residents debate housing illegal residents at vacant prison http://lubbockonline.com/local-news/2014-07-15/littlefield-residents-debate-housing-illegal-residents-vacant-pri…
St. Peter-St. Joseph Children’s Home (IMPLEMENTED)
This nonprofit residential facility houses 82 children ages 5 to 17, most from Honduras. http://www.expressnews.com/news/local/article/Nonprofit-shelters-have-capacity-to-handle-more-5594384.php
Bristow, VA- Youth For Tomorrow Center (IMPLEMENTED)
NumbersUSA got word from a local official that this youth center is housing illegal aliens. Their website confirms the claim. http://www.youthfortomorrow.org/Residential-Services
Children’s Home of Poughkeepsie (IMPLEMENTED)
NumbersUSA activist found job openings for care providers for their unaccompanied minors program. Job description: http://hudsonvalley.craigslist.org/npo/4518016310.html Children’s Home website:http…
Cayuga Centers Housing (IMPLEMENTED)
Cayuga Centers has opened a 300 foster bed program for unaccompanied alien children in NYC. This UAC program is funded by the Federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). Ages 3-17.5 years We fo…
New York Foundling Facility
The New York Foundling in collaboration with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) will provide tem…
League City, TX City Council votes to ban facilities
League City, Texas, voted 6-2 to ban within its borders the operation of any detention facility that processes the illegal immigrant children who are pouring across the border. City Council members H…
Federal Gov’t Suspended Flights (FAILED)
After weeks of protests, the feds have temporarily suspended flights from TX to San Diego. Illegal aliens on these flights were being bused to small towns in the area. http://www.utsandiego.com/new…
PRIDE Health Housing Facility Yonkers, NY (IMPLEMENTED)
“Working in collaboration with the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement, the program provides a safe and nurturing environment for 33 youth in a Basic Shelter program located at our licensed resi…
Clarinda Academy, Iowa (FAILED)
UPDATE (7/16): A group that runs a facility for at-risk youth in southwest Iowa has scrapped plans to shelter undocumented juveniles who come alone into the U.S., a spokesman for the facility told…
St. Joseph’s, Fontana, CA (IMEPLEMENTED)
UPDATE: Group opposing illegal immigration rallies outside Fontana church http://www.sbsun.com/general-news/20140713/group-opposing-illegal-immigration-rallies-outside-fontana-church 46 illegal alie…
The Mayor of this sanctuary city has told the Obama Administration is is happy to house illegal border-crossers in the city. http://www.fox45now.com/shared/news/top-stories/stories/wrgt_vid_21127.s…
GA Baptist’s Children’s Home, Palmetto (PROPOSED)
The federal government has tapped local charities to help house children from the border crisis. The federal government asked the Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes if they would help house some of th…
Milwaukee, WI Catholic Charities (PROPOSED)
Father David Bergner, the director of Catholic Charities here, said that its parent organization, Catholic Charities USA, has been asked by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to look for sites th…
Army Reserve Center, Westminster, MD (FAILED)
The federal government has decided not to use a vacant Army Reserve building in Westminster to temporarily house immigrant children after objections from Carroll County officials. http://www.therepub…
Caring Cities Campaing (PROPOSED)
Davenport Mayor Bill Gluba and representatives from more than a dozen local agencies will meet Monday afternoon to discuss how the Quad Cities might be able to help solve the U.S. border crisis. La…
Jewish Family Services Gulf Coast (IMPLEMENTED)
The children, according to the Gulf Coast Jewish Family and Community Services shelter in Holiday off of U.S. 19, are between the ages of 8 and 18. The program is paid for by the U.S. Department of He…
http://www.abbotthouse.net/?page_id=6428 This housing location was shared with NumbersUSA by reliable source.
Holy Family Institute (PROPOSED)
UPDATE: Local news now reporting on proposed site in Pittsburgh. In the coming months, Holy Family will provide food, shelter, clothing and education to some 20 Central American refugees, all under …
Undisclosed Detention Center (IMPLEMENTED)
“Thousands of Central Americans were caught coming into the U.S. illegally…after being caught by border agents, they were detained in Texas, flown to Yuma, bussed to El Centro and then housed in ano…
http://www.bcfs.net/about-bcfs/locations This housing location was shared with NumbersUSA by reliable source.
http://www.bcfs.net/ This housing location was shared with NumbersUSA by reliable source.
Lutheran Social Services of the South (PROPOSED)
Another shelter for unaccompanied minors illegally crossing the border will soon be open in McAllen. Lutheran Social Services of South is renovating a building off North McColl Road and Jasmine Avenu…
ZIP: 78550 http://www.bcfs.net/ This housing location was shared with NumbersUSA by reliable source.
ZIP: 94533 http://www.bcfs.net/ This housing location was shared with NumbersUSA by reliable source.
Lutheran Social Services (IMPLEMENTED)
The Bilingual Case Worker provides case management for unaccompanied children and adolescents who are under the foster care of the program.” http://www.lssne.org/our-services/Job-Openings-2/Bilingual…
Bethany Christian Foster (IMPLEMENTED)
901 Eastern Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49501-0294 http://www.bethany.org/grandrapids/our-office This housing location was shared with NumbersUSA by reliable source.
Board of Child Care (IMPLEMENTED)
3300 Gaither Rd., Baltimore, MD, 21244 http://www.boardofchildcare.org/ This housing location was shared with NumbersUSA by reliable source.
Bokenkamp Children’s Center (IMPLEMENTED)
This housing location was shared with NumbersUSA by reliable source. 402 Harbor Dr., Corpus Christi, TX 78401 http://www.bokenkampchildrensshelter.org/changealife/directions/
This information was given to NumbersUSA by a US Representative from Florida. 3111 S. Dixie Hwy., Suite 200, West Palm Beach, FL 33405 http://www.boystown.org/locations/south-florida/contact-us-adm…
Brazoria County Youth Home (IMPLEMENTED)
This housing location was shared with NumbersUSA by reliable source. 3315 FM 523 Rd, Freeport, TX 77541 https://plus.google.com/109709032236881678965/about?gl=us&hl=en
Cardinal McCloskey Community Services (IMPLEMENTED)
115 E Stevens Ave, Suite LL5, Valhalla, NY 10595 This housing location was shared with NumbersUSA by reliable source. http://www.cmcs.org/who-we-are/about-us/
Gmark Warehouse (Customs and Border Protection) (IMPLEMENTED)
S Ware Rd & W Ursula Ave, McAllen, Hidalgo County, Texas 78503 http://www.valleycentral.com/news/story.aspx?id=1064821#.U8QdkI1dWzg
Sequel Youth and Family Services (PROPOSED)
NumbersUSA was alerted by an activist on the plans to house unaccompanied minors in South Central Michigan. Sequel Youth and Family Services posted this job listing for the UAC program: http://www….
UPDATE: The protest over immigrant children coming to Pinal County fizzled Tuesday afternoon after their buses failed to show. A congressional source confirmed that the buses were not coming. The b…
Southwest Key Facility (IMPLEMENTED)
Unaccompanied Minors Shelter Program LINK: http://www.swkey.org/programs/directory/um_929
Southwest Key Facility (IMPLEMENTED)
Unaccompanied Minors Shelter Program. LINK: http://www.swkey.org/programs/directory/um_930
Southwest Key Facility (IMPLEMENTED)
Unaccompanied Minors Shelter Program. LINK: http://www.swkey.org/programs/directory/um_952
Southwest Key Facility (IMPLEMENTED)
Unaccompanied Minors Shelter Program. LINK: http://www.swkey.org/programs/directory/um_941
Southwest Key Facility (IMPLEMENTED)
Unaccompanied Minors Shelter Program LINK: http://www.swkey.org/programs/directory/um_931
Southwest Key Facility (IMPLEMENTED)
Unaccompanied Minors Shelter Program. LINK: http://www.swkey.org/programs/directory/um_950
Southwest Key Facility (IMPLEMENTED)
Unaccompanied Minors Shelter Program. LINK: http://www.swkey.org/programs/directory/um_955
Southwest Key Facility (IMPLEMENTED)
Unaccompanied Minors Shelter Program. LINK: http://www.swkey.org/programs/directory/um_951
Southwest Key Facility (IMPLEMENTED)
Unaccompanied Minors Shelter Program. LINK: http://www.swkey.org/programs/directory/um_928
Southwest Key Facility (IMPLEMENTED)
Unaccompanied Minors Shelter Program. LINK: http://www.swkey.org/programs/directory/um_926
Southwest Key Facility (IMPLEMENTED)
Unaccompanied Minors Shelter Program. LINK: http://www.swkey.org/programs/directory/um_949
Southwest Key Facility (IMPLEMENTED)
Unaccompanied Minors Shelter Program. LINK: http://www.swkey.org/programs/directory/um_954
Youth Care, Seattle (IMPLEMENTED)
This housing location was shared with NumbersUSA by reliable source. LINK: http://www.youthcare.org/
Union County Juvenile Center (IMPLEMENTED)
This housing location was shared to NumbersUSA by a reliable source. LINK: 1075 Edward St, Linden, NJ 07036
Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center (IMPLEMENTED)
This location information was given to NumberUSA from a reliable source. LINK: http://www.svjc.org/
Selma R Carson Home (IMPLEMENTED)
This location information was given to NumbersUSA by a reliable source. LINK: http://pioneerhumanservices.org/
Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention (IMPLEMENTED)
This location information was given to NumbersUSA by a reliable source LINK: https://www.alexandriava.gov/dchs/childrenfamily/default.aspx?id=50666
Morrison Shelter (IMPLEMENTED)
This location information was given to NumbersUSA by a reliable source. LINK: http://www.morrisonkids.org/locations.aspx
Lutheran Social Services, Lansign (IMPLEMENTED)
This location information was given to NumbersUSA by a reliable source. LINK: http://www.lssm.org/lssm/contact-lssm
Lincoln Hall Haven, Lincolndale (IMPLEMENTED)
This location information was given to NumbersUSA by a reliable source. LINK: http://www.lincolnhall.org/
Kids Peace, Bethlehem (IMPLEMENTED)
This location information was given to NumbersUSA by a reliable source . LINK: http://www.kidspeace.org/
Heartland, Chicago (IMPLEMENTED)
This housing information was given to NumbersUSA by a reliable source. UACs are being housed at the Heartland International Children’s Center, Heartland International Youth Center and the Heartland I…
UPDATE (7/17): The federal government has asked officials in the Madison and Milwaukee areas to look for potential sites to house some of the children now flooding into the country from Central Amer…
Palm Aire Resort (PROPOSED)
he Obama administration could soon be housing hundreds of illegal immigrant children at a multimillion-dollar luxury hotel complex in Texas, just a few miles from the Mexican border – and it could cos…
Southbury Training School (FAILED)
Connecticut officials have rejected a federal request to temporarily house up to 2,000 immigrant children from Central America at a mostly-vacant facility built for developmentally disabled adults. …
Los Angeles Shelters (PROPOSED)
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is welcoming illegal immigrants who have crossed America’s southern border to Los Angeles, saying the city is an appropriate place to reunify children with their famili…
Southwest Key Facility (IMPLEMENTED)
Unaccompanied Minors Shelter. Website has wrong state but correct ZIP for the Glendale location. http://www.swkey.org/programs/directory/um_927
Pleasantville, NY (IMPLEMENTED)
Jewish Child Care Association is hiring for the UAC shelter here. LINK: http://www.careerbuilder.com/jobseeker/jobs/jobdetails.aspx?sc_cmp1=js_jrp_jobclick&APath=…
Suffolk County House of Correction (IMPLEMENTED)
Hundreds of undocumented immigrants have been flown from overcrowded Texas detention facilities to jails in Massachusetts, including a facility at the Suffolk County House of Correction. http://m.ba…
The Jones County Detention Center (PROPOSED)
A never-opened, $35 million, 1,112-bed Texas prison facility in Jones County is being discussed as a possibility to house unaccompanied immigrant children. LINK: http://www.ktxs.com/news/housing-im…
Sisters of St. Francis Convent (PROPOSED)
Syracuse, NY The Sisters of St. Francis confirmed today that federal officials are exploring the idea of using the religious order’s vacant Syracuse buildings to house immigrant children awaiting dep…
Sabine Creek Ranch (PROPOSED)
Royse City, TX Ed Walker – a former Lake Pointe Church pastor and founder of Sabine Creek Ranch in Royse City – is seeking the blessing of the federal government to bring up to 300 of these kids …