Category: Barack Obama

Obama CIA Flubs Up Big Time

Now that the boy king can come off of the greens in Hawaii, he is being told what a poor job his CIA under career

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Today’s Story: Sources tells CBS News that investigators are continuing to look for any possible ties between the alleged Fort Hood shooter, Major Nidal Malik 

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Today’s Story: Sources tells CBS News that investigators are continuing to look for any possible ties between the alleged Fort Hood shooter, Major Nidal Malik 

Obama: ACORN Not A Major National Issue

Barack Obama, himself a former ACORN operative, told ABC’s ‘This Week’ that while the video’s taken and shown by James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles “was

Obama: ACORN Not A Major National Issue

Barack Obama, himself a former ACORN operative, told ABC’s ‘This Week’ that while the video’s taken and shown by James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles “was