Ayers + Wright + ACORN = Obama

October 21, 2008

Obama has been shaped by his self described communist mentor in Hawaii, his racial separtist pastor, his anarchist/Marxist (quote) buddy terrorist bomber Bill Ayers. His life has been steeped in the politics of race and disdain for whites. I’m sorry to say it, but it’s true. We wouldn’t accept this behavior from anyone else, why would we discount it just because these words came out of Obama’s mouth?

When you hear about Obama’s socialist redistributionist “tax” plan, which is simply a welfare plan; when you hear about Obama’s health government run health care plan, here’s a man who thinks the power of the state is what is needed to give people their daily needs.

“From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.” Karl Marx

The other thing I would bear in mind is those of us living in the People’s Republic see people like Ayers everyday. They’re professional protesters, the folks wearing black masks afraid to show their faces, standing up for socialism, anarchism, illegal aliens, enviro terrorists, ALF activists, anti corporate, trees are more important than people, worship the salmon groups. The place where Obama started his political life, the man whose help he sought, who served on a board with, whose wives worked together etc. etc etc is a guy who hates America, defies the law, bombs. Why would Obama seek out such a companion? Unless he agrees with him.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://www.victoriataft.com