Besides getting the crowd count wrong and only pointing out immigration laws that were from the 1700’s and 1900’s (instead of the illegal immigration giveaways acts of 1965, 1986, and 2006), the Statesman Journal got a lot of it right. The new reporter at the SJ is fresh from Texas and seems like a nice gal. Here’s the story.
Here are some quotes from the rally:
“The next governor of Oregon is not going to be allowed to sit there and do nothing,” columnist and author Frosty Wooldridge told the crowd, which responded with thunderous applause.
“In a post 9/11 world, the United States cannot allow, cannot tolerate, cannot condone 3 million people crossing (the border) undocumented, unregistered, unknown for intent, unknown for disease and unknown for what is essentially degrading the citizenship of our own citizens, breaking the rule of law, taking jobs from American citizens, depressing wages for all citizens and essentially creating anarchy in our country,” Wooldridge continued, as he again drew a chorus of applauds.
Victoria Taft, the host of an evening talk show on KPAM-AM, also spoke at the gathering.
“I’m here because it’s my belief that we need to change the sanctuary laws status in the state of Oregon,” Taft said. “We need to require proof of residency in order to get a driver’s license, and we need to require citizenship to be able to receive long-term (social) benefits from the state of Oregon as well as voting privileges.
“And we need to get the secretary of state to check to make sure that people are citizens when they vote because, currently, they don’t check.”