There…He Said It… Immigration Legislation Creates More Problems Than it Solves

June 6, 2007


Columnist Bruce Bartlett on the illegal immigration bill before the US Senate SB 1348:

One of the things that bothers me about the immigration bill is the view held in the White House and Congress that “something” must be done; the option of doing nothing is not an option. It is my experience that when this idea takes hold, it is almost inevitable that something bad will result.
…what about the option of doing nothing? Why this is this not considered a viable option is a mystery to me. It may be the least bad alternative.

We don’t want to open the borders entirely, because that would let in a lot of riffraff. But we don’t want to close the borders entirely, either, because we need the cheap labor. So, in my opinion, the optimum is to allow some illegal immigration, but with enough enforcement to keep it under control.

It is precisely because of their illegal status that they are valuable and are willing to work cheaply. If they become legal, as the pending legislation would establish, the next thing you know they will be demanding the minimum wage, health benefits, and unions, at which point they may no longer be a net benefit to our economy, but a liability.

On another front this bill may go by the boards if Harry Reid insists on an end to debate and a vote this week. Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona is being urged (by FAIR on my show yesterday afternoon) to use this Reid maneuver to kill the bill and get out of this mess of legislation while the gettin’ is good.

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