The “Health” Care Dog & Pony Show by Free Fire

September 22, 2009


Free Fire writes:
We are doing just what Obama, et al. want us to do: staying actively embroiled in a debate over the minutiae of the “health” care bills when, in fact, the bills have nothing to do with health care, per se.

By debating details we turn ourselves away from the wide view. . .that the “health” care takeover is Step 4 in the Marxist plan of tyranny for the USA (Step 1 was the launch of the Financial Crisis, Step 2 saw the seizure of private banks and financial institutions, and Step 3 was grabbing the auto industry and handing it over to “select” persons).

Step 5 is likely the “cap & trade” fiasco, followed by Step 6, the “global warming” controls scheme, so dear to the gizzards of leftists. While we look elsewhere, Obama and his entourage of scoundrels are off giving the secret club handshake to foreign cronies, and sewing up the details of plans to bring America to its knees.

At any time during the pendency of these other schemes, Step 7 could be interjected. This would be the piece de resistance–shutting down all opposition media, the internet, and other kinds of free speech–allowing the tyrants to do everything they want without interference from the pesky citizens. This would leave only a mewling and complicit “mainstream media,” grinning robotically through pancake makeup reading out the approved Government News.

It’s not about health care—it’s about control. Always has been.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://