Tea Parties Are "Flash Crowds" of Voter Discontent . Get Ready for PDX Tea Party April 15th

March 18, 2009


Be a part of it. Email me at victoria@victoriataft.com. Put in the subject line “tea party.” It will be much larger than the one in Portland in February because you’re hearing more and more about them.
Here’s what the DC Examiner says of Tea Parties (here):

Thousands of Americans in dozens of cities large and small, coast to coast have assembled recently to protest President Barack Obama’s economic stimulus spending, proposed budget deficits and tax hikes on small business and other entrepreneurs.

But odds are that the vast majority of people who depend solely on the mainstream media’s print and broadcast giants for their news know little or nothing about the protests.
Why? Because the MSMers regularly miss significant political news when it is happening right in front of them, thanks to the ideological blinders that make so many otherwise intelligent people in those newsrooms think the only real news happens in Washington or New York. (And occasionally in Boston or Los Angeles).
Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://www.victoriataft.com