Rees Lloyd: Air Time Shouldn’t Be Wasted on Race Baiting Demogogues

September 27, 2011


With all respect due to Victoria Taft, the voice of liberty in Portland, the Principality of Political Correctness,   I must object to her playing on her show on Monday (9/26/11) the tape of a speech (or sermon, perhaps) by the  Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the Chicago clergyman who who used his pulpit to spread vicious racial hatred in preaching Black Liberation Theology, and shocked the nation with his infamous statement: “Not God Bless America– God Damn America!” 

Although I tuned in midway in his taped speech, I recognized Jeremiah Wright’s race-baiting by the cadence of his delivery; the obvious “us-vs-them” call  to racial division and confrontation: and the fact that he is apparently unable to articulate a “g” sound  of words ending in “ing,”  and thus implored his audience to be   ‘marchin’,” “workin’,” 
“hopin’,” etc. Pure Jeremiah Wright condescendingly employing what he considers “just folks” speech, i.e., “talkin’ down” to Americans he thinks are so stupid they can’t speak English, or can’t recognize condescension for the insult that it is.

Please do not give airtime to this obviously divisive, demagogic peddler of race hatred. 

Oh, wait, my  smarter-than-me spouse  just informed me that that wasn’t Jeremiah Wright of race-baiting fame on the Victoria Taft  Show.  As hard as it is for me to believe,  it was actually President Barack Hussein Obama, the “Post-Racial President,” the President of “all the people”  who said he was going to “heal”the nation not divide it.  

Could it be true?  Would a Harvard-trained lawyer over whom liberal media swoons in rapture concerning his “eloquence,” really speak so divisively, demagogically,  condescendingly to Americans re “marchin’,” “workin’,” etc.?  

Is this really the speech not of a Chicago conman peddling a racial brew of political snake oil, but of a President of the United States, especially one who told us that “we are the ones that we’ve been waiting for,” who said “there are not ‘red’ states and ‘blue’ states, but only the United States,” and that upon his ascension to the presidency “the earth shall heal, and the seas recede”? 

Apparently, it is true. Therefore, I apologize to Victoria Taft , and her listeners and readers of her blog, for confusing our Post-Racial President Barack Hussein Obama with the Maniacally Racial Jeremiah Wright.  

But, gee, they sure do sound alike…

Rees Lloyd is a civil rights attorney, Veterans activist and Portland resident.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://