Liberals Should Be Madder At Debt Limit Increases Than Conservatives

July 26, 2011


Bottom line, Democrat or Republican, wrong is wrong and continually giving yourself permission to borrow more, never paying the debt down, is wrong. We taxpayers, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Anarchists, Minarchists, even those who don’t give a hoot about politics are on the hook for Trillions of dollars in debt.
It has to stop and yes, it’s not going to be pretty, but we have to begin actually getting out from under this ever increasing debt.
All of the money going out in interest payments should be going into the country’s infrastructure, Veterans Benefits, necessary entitlement programs and yes, we may disagree on just which ones are really necessary. But, paying all of that interest to foreign investors, nations or even domestic investors amounts to nothing more than fattening the coffers of those wealthy who own our debt at the expense of struggling taxpayers.
The left continually condemns the wealthy, calls on them to “share in the sacrifice” and “pay their fair share,” yet the left also approves of giving them even more of our tax dollars in the form of interest payments on the debt by supporting yet another increase to the debt limit?
It doesn’t make sense that the left isn’t demanding even louder than we are for this madness to stop.
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