Dennis Richardson Launches Bid for Governor

July 24, 2013


Dennis RichardsonDennis Richardson is one of the most competent, talented and decent men in Oregon politics today. The State Representative from Central Point is one of probably only a handful of  people in the State of Oregon who knows the State’s fiscal problems and has  solutions.

He would be a great Oregon Governor. 

Richardson is the quintessence of the phrase “Happy Warrior.” “Slick” is not a word one associates with him. He is sure footed and fair, something that comes through in Richardson’s frequent email newsletters about what’s going on in Salem and from meeting him many times in person.

He is spending the day rolling out his campaign with a trip around the state and ending by riding light rail to the Convention Center for a rally. Maybe he’ll use it as a metaphor for the fiscal train wrecks he would like to fix as Governor.

Had his campaign used the Representatives own email list to announce today’s rally in Portland, I might have been there.

I  wish him well and by doing so, wish Oregon well.