Dear Mr. Koch, The Tea Party Needs Money

August 30, 2010


The left’s fondest wishes have come true. They’ve contrived a scenario that states the Tea Party isn’t really grass roots but it’s been stirred up by mysterious billionaires. I didn’t hear about the Koch brothers and some connection to the Tea Party until one of the trolls put it on the blog. But then I did some checking and found the talking points memo reference. A quick check this morning of google finds that many more blogs have picked up the meme (here). And included in those? Government radio and the NYT where Frank Rich is in high dungeon about these eeeevillll billionaires somehow supporting the Tea Party. So interesting. It’s as if they believe we’re set up, well set up like…er, THEY are…
Radical Left blog + John Podesta + Soros $$$ = Mainstream News Coverage
Anyhoo, if the Koch brothers would like to send some money our way we’d love an underwriter for our election night victory party.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://