CRC: Official Limbo for Property Owners

March 19, 2012


From comes this story about the owners of the 1920’s era Lucky Lager building in Vancouver.

Gillian Wallis is losing her building, her tenants, and her patience.

Owners of the former Lucky Lager Warehouse waited for the CRC to respond to their email.

Last year, representatives of the Columbia River Crossing Light Rail Tolling project alerted Wallis that the historic building she and her husband Bob had invested three-quarters of a million dollars remodeling was slated to be razed in a push to connect Portland’s light rail to Vancouver.

The Wallis’ building, the former Lucky Lager Warehouse, has stood since 1920 on 4th Street near the base of the Interstate 5 Bridges. In 2007 the Wallis’ purchased the structure, and two years later in 2009 the building was placed on the Clark County Heritage Register.

Read the rest at here.

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