A new survey of police and citizens shows that the so-called ‘Ferguson Effect’ is large and in charge at the Portland cop shop.
Oddly, that hasn’t made the news.
The ‘Ferguson Effect,’ in which cops now look the other way on possible crimes for fear of being tagged as ‘racist’ or insensitive or targeted (Following the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri. Officer Darren Wilson was hounded out of his job, his home and is still living in hiding after Brown attacked the officer and tried to wrest away his gun), is a phenomenon first identified by Heather MacDonald of the Manhattan Institute in her book “The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe.” As a result of police being afraid to do their jobs, crime goes up.
While the media, Democrats and social justice warriors (but I repeat myself) have tried mightily to “deconstruct” and debunk the Ferguson Effect, it has been widely seen throughout the country and certainly on the streets of Portland with nearly 100% of all cops saying they don’t stop and question suspicious behavior.
“With all of the criticism directed at the police today, are officers less willing to stop and question people who seem suspicious, or has nothing changed?”

Nearly all officers – 95% – indicated that:
“Yes, Officers are less willing to stop and question people who seem suspicious.”
As if that isn’t bad enough, sworn Officers are “skeptical” of the new leadership at the cop shop, which has been a veritable revolving door of over the past several years. And they’re “unclear” about what their top priorities should be. Half of them are burnt out from the job.
A whopping 79% of Portlanders don’t believe cops reduce crime and treat people fairly under the law.

Furthermore, “violent crimes are perceived to be down, [but] quality of life crimes persist.” I’ll dig into the “perceived to be down” unresolved stat later, but that’s pretty bad. However, here’s the nub of the problem in a study that neither mentions Antifa nor protesters:
“The PPB needs to understand that sometimes quality of life crimes, such as vandalism, the defacement of public property, illegal homeless camps on public property, auto theft and vandalism, are the most important in gaining the trust of the public and its cooperation. Most people, thankfully, do [not] interact with the police over major crimes, but they do with quality of life crimes.”
Seventy percent of Portlanders think cops are ‘fair’ only sometimes or not at all.
Translation of the above two points: Cops don’t stop crimes because it’s not politically correct and the rest of the citizenry knows it and thinks it’s unfair.
Do you think that “defacement of public property,” “vandalism” and other “quality of life” crimes such as, oh, I don’t know, not being able to drive on downtown streets or freeways, airports or get to work because of protesters blocking them to make their point about this week’s perceived wrong is a quality of life issue? Hell, yes.
Is cops not helping ICE agents get to their cars and thus being chased by violent Leftists – a bad PR move to the right thinking Portlanders – perhaps a ‘quality of life’ issue? Hell, yes.
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Perhaps someone read about a guy who was just trying to do his job and Antifa chased him, hurt him and came back to attack him again so he drew his weapon to back them off and then was CHARGED with the crime while his Antifa attackers became “victims.” Think they heard about that case?

How about that lady who got so sick of Antifa blocking the streets she got out of her car and took the only weapon she had – laundry detergent – and started throwing haymakers at the thugs with her big orange jug of goo?

Do you think Portlanders haven’t noticed this two tiered system of justice?
Ted Wheeler, do you think they know that if they took a cowbell and commenced drowning out a speech in a public place that they’d be arrested but Antifa wouldn’t? Mike Strickland, pick up the white courtesy phone.

Do you think this lack of enforcement of the most basic laws of Portland has had an effect on the citizenry in thinking that somebody in Portland’s hierarchy has put their thumb on the scales of justice? Uh, hell yes.
The City’s capitulation to the ACLU and the social justice warrior crowd has resulted in the homeless ‘camping’ wherever they want, subjecting Portlanders to the disgusting and unhealthy filth of human waste, disease and despondency.
As a person who works, feeds and helps the homeless, I can tell you why people are out there. I’ll tell you about that in another post. The report says the politicians have “no political will” to do what is necessary about the homeless. Duh.
This two tier system of justice has brought confusion to cops, dissatisfaction of the public and a feeling of being unsafe in people’s own home town.
In the words of the report:
“When the police pick and choose what/when to enforce, application of the law becomes inequitable.”
No kidding.
The Portland Police Bureau reportedly has had 50 Officers turn in their badges because they’re sick of the confusion, bad leadership and rampant lawlessness allowed to take place while they’re allowed to do little.
If that’s not bad enough, City Commissioners have consulted with one of the progenitors of the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” lies of Ferguson to help write the next Portland Police Bureau contract. This just in: even Eric Holder doesn’t buy the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” lies from Ferguson. His Justice Department said so.
The police survey makes suggestions on what to do to fix the problems, suggesting that the City should:
“Align governmental and PPB leadership and support for effectiveness.”
Puhleeze. Politicizing the cop shop – by allowing the hyper-political Mayor and ‘community’ social justice protesters to dictate which people get a pass and which must be punished – is why we have this problem in the first place.
Wake up.