Why Oregon Public School Students Suck at Science

December 19, 2012


rs. Brunner:

                         I have strong reservation as to why a highly politically motivated, pg13 movie would be introduced 12 year old science class.  No where does this movie fit the academic 7th grade science standards. Where does examining the influence of the fast food industry fit in the 7th grade core science standard “If at all” it should be shown with a Balanced health education class talking about nutrition. This movie, highly politically motivated and decidedly biased, it shows someone who only eats fast food all-day seven days a week. It has anti corporate/fast food theme. Nowhere is there a balanced view point, nor is it even tried to be presented in this movie. The underlying themes are above most 12 year olds. Many of the food portions he eats are from McDonalds and are not available anymore. Why are you allowing a strictly politically biased movie ,done by an anti fast- food; anti corporate person to be shown?  This is a poor choice in leadership on your part to allow a political movie in a science class. Why is my daughter being required to do packets of science work as we are not allowing her to watch a propaganda film.  The rest of the class gets rewarded for watching a non science film yet my child is required to do science work because she is not watching it. Where is the balanced point of view in the class room?  Where is the movie showing that fast food and a sensible diet are okay. This is a teacher pushing her liberal political point of view..It is not okay and I am not going to let my daughter be discriminated against be cause her parents made a decision that is best for her. I have attached a quote and a picture that helps you understand the bias of this movie.  From www.imbd.com…
“While examining the influence of the fast food industry, Morgan Spurlock personally explores the consequences on his health of a 

Neal Lockhart-Executive Director
Conservative Friends of Yamhill County
PO BOX 95 Lafayette, OR 97127
Office Phone 503.857.3773

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