Why Is Health Care So Expensive? Just Ask the State of Oregon:

April 8, 2008


Democrat lawmakers keep ratcheting up the price. State mandates are a chief reason why health care is so expensive in this country and why the prices just keep going up. Here’s the latest story whose ironies are rich.

Oregon business owners with between 26 and 50 employees may be surprised the next time they talk to their health insurance broker.
Health plans have overhauled how premiums are figured for such businesses because of a state law that went into effect April 1. As a result, employers with mostly healthy workers will likely pay higher rates.
Now, the unhealthiest groups may pay rates no more than three times higher than the healthiest groups. It also encourages small employers to use wellness programs.
“Although a small number of groups will see fairly large rate increases because of the new law, these increases will apply mostly to employers with very low rates to move them closer to the average,” the Oregon Insurance Division said in a letter to insurance companies.”

Isn’t that nice? They MANDATE that the unhealthiest will never have to pay more than three times the rates of healthy people. What that means is the healthy folks just got a rate raise. Thanks State of Oregon! And the beat goes on.

As PJ O’Rourke famously said, “If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it’s free.”

Oh, Hillary’s example of how the health care industry made the pizza lady pay $100 before she could be seen at the doctor’s? Remember that story? Oh, yeah, it was a LIE. See NYTimes here.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://www.victoriataft.com