Progressive Canadian Premier Comes to U.S. For Surgery

February 3, 2010


Danny Williams, the popular Progressive Premier of Newfoundland has opted to bypass the Canadian health system and travel to the U.S. to undergo heart surgery, his Deputy premier Kathy Dunderdale has confirmed.

Raising eyebrows over his shunning of Canada’s socialized health care, she explained, “It was never an option offered to him to have this procedure done in this province.”

She reportedly refused to answer whether the procedure was available anywhere else in Canada.

Should Democrats succeed in forcing Obamacare on us, as they are trying desperately to resurrect, would the procedure become unavailable to all but the richest or elite Democrats in the U.S.?

Another thought, why would he not travel to Cuba or any number of European nations, all being touted by Democrats as having so much better health care than America offers?


Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://