One of the "101 Most Dangerous Professors" Headed for PSU?

February 26, 2008


That’s what we hear. PSU won’t confirm. Groups on campus, including the Jewish student groups and the Campus Republicans, have caught wind of one of the biggest American hating, terrorist loving professors around hanging out his shingle at the Middle East Studies Center. Joel Beinin is so notorious that a student run paper used to print a “Beinin Watch” to keep up with his antics in the classroom.
Beinin is also in David Horowitz’s book, “The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America.”
Below is a letter I drafted to the Trustees and here are their names and addresses.


I am writing to express my concern about the apparent imminent hiring of Professor Joel Beinin to oversee the Portland State University Department of Middle Eastern Studies.

Portland State officials have not returned calls or responded to my inquiries about Beinin’s future with PSU.

While I understand that Professor Beinin’s scholarship is the subject of criticism, it’s his hatred of America, Jews, and apology for known terrorist groups that have perpetrated violence against the United States that gives me cause for concern.

I appreciate intellectual diversity, but I must say it seems that Portland State University has caught its limit of leftist, America hating professors. Can’t there be some intellectual balance applied to the hiring process? Would it be too much to hire professors who actually like this country and not spend classroom time fomenting hatred for it among the students?

I’d appreciate hearing back from you.



Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://