Occupiers: Positive Action, Not Eviction

November 11, 2011


Since Mayor Sammy announced his deadline to Occupy PDX to disband, a petition has been launched opposing his action by the Working Families Party

Postive Action, Not Eviction!

The letter Mayor Sammy will receive says, 

“As a member of the Portland community, I urge you to take a more constructive approach toward the Occupy Portland encampment than the inevitably conflictual eviction effort you have threatened. I want to stress that I do not speak for Occupy Portland but as part of the 99% I very much appreciate the megaphone Occupy Portland has given to the issues I and the rest of the 99% all care about.

I believe that those problems you worry about at the Occupy Portland encampment reflect the tremendous income disparity and lack of social services, mental health services, and affordable housing, that the Occupy Wall Street movement has so effectively brought to the fore.  Rather than sweep the encampment, homelessness, and income disparity out of sight once again, the City of Portland should adopt concrete measures to address some of those concerns.

There are many steps you and the City Council could take, concrete steps, not just rhetoric, that would show good faith.  I want to see positive action not eviction!

 So, it’s our fault conditions down there have deteriorated as they have?

Thanks, Sammy.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://www.victoriataft.com