Obama Justice Department’s Worry: Blacks May Stray from Ideological Plantation

October 20, 2009


Here. H/T 5th Listener Robert.
The Democrats wanted to keep them as slaves back in the day and now they’ve figured out another way to do it: keep them on the ideological plantation. They’ll even fight in court for the right to keep them there.

Nut ‘graf:

Obama’s Justice Department has ruled against the actions of the town of Kinston, North Carolina. What did this town do that was so terrible? The residents voted overwhelmingly to eliminate partisan elections for mayor and city council members. The Justice Department stepped in and said, “Whoa! Wait just a second!” According to the Justice Department, blacks in Kinston must have the Democrat Party in order to elect their “candidate of choice.” How insulting! Basically, what Obama’s team is saying is that blacks will only vote for Democrats, and without the party label, blacks can’t figure out for themselves which candidate will get their vote. This is not only a slap in the face of the voters, but it continues Obama’s efforts to divide people along racial lines rather than bring them together.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://www.victoriataft.com