October 20, 2009


And the question should be: Which network is next for the White House thuggery? Isn’t the message of this Fox News ice out that unless you toe the line you’ll be voted off the island, too? Good for Fox that it won’t throw in with the Obama administration just to be invited to the White House Christmas Party and shame on the other stations for being his ‘favorites.’ Sad, really.

Anita Dunn worked her magic on ’em, didn’t she? And in going along the ne

ws media committed journalistic malpractice during a pivotal moment in Ameri

can history.

I’ve shot an email over to my old colleagues at the Society of Professional Journalists t

o find out what they’re doing about this. I’ll let you know when I hear back.

Dear MoveOn member,

All year, FOX has worked 24/7 to block President Obama’s agenda—repeating lies about “death panels,” promoting Tea Party protests, and whipping up fake political scandals.1

Now, President Obama is fighting back. The White House communications director said FOX is a “wing of the Republican Party…let’s not pretend they’re a news network.”2 To draw attention to its biased coverage, President Obama will not appear on FOX for the rest of this year.3

It’s about time Democrats stood up to FOX! Can you sign this petition asking Democrats to support President Obama’s stance by staying off FOX as long as he does? We’ll deliver it to Sen. Merkley and Sen. Wyden and Rep. Wu. Clicking here will add your name:

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://