Illegal Alien is ‘Texan of the Year’

January 7, 2008


When you can’t argue fact, argue heart, when you can’t argue either, argue that you can’t live without them. Well, at least according to the Dallas Morning News (here).

He breaks the law by his very presence. He hustles to do hard work many Americans won’t, at least not at the low wages he accepts. The American consumer economy depends on him. America as we have known it for generations may not survive him.
Yet to those who want them sent home, illegal immigrants are essentially lawbreakers who violate the nation’s borders. They use public resources – schools, hospitals – to which they aren’t entitled and expect to be served in a foreign language. They’re rapidly changing Texas neighborhoods, cities and culture, and not always for the better. Those who object get tagged as racists.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://