Here come even more letters to our elected officials: OPERATION ID MAKES IMPACT

March 25, 2006


Approximately 170-200 people showed up to protest the state of Oregon’s cavalier, law breaking attitude about illegal immigration on Friday. Catch the Statesman Journal’s piece here. And hundreds of thousands of people march in favor of illegal immigrants staying in the US with impunity. Imagine, hundreds of thousands of people marching in favor of breaking the law. See the amazing numbers and what political winds are blowing in this story on the rise Aztlan.

The crowd gets ready for the rally!

State Rep Kim Thatcher speaks to the rally!

No, thank YOU for coming and sending in your Operation ID letters!

Governor’s candidate Kevin Mannix makes a dandy of a speech!

Governor Kulongoski is now in possession of your Operation ID letters and Secretary of State Bradbury has copies of some of them. Now, will they do their jobs, listen to their constituents (the legal ones) and stop looking the other way as people who broke the law to come to this country get driver’s licenses, state welfare benefits, and voting rights?
Your letters started it all! Voter survey on illegal immigration here.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://