GZ Mosque Imam Will be Picketed in Portland on Wednesday; Not the "Moderate" and "Bridge Builder" He Claims To Be.

April 25, 2011


As you may have heard, Ground Zero Mosque Imam, Feisal Abdul Rauf is coming to Portland (see story here) and will be a featured speaker at the “Q Gathering,” a yearly conference on Christianity in culture. This year’s theme concerns Christianity in a post Christian culture. The Imam will be speaking on  

Wednesday evening and I plan an informational picket at 5pm outside the Crystal Ballroom in downtown Portland. Please bring your hand made sign containing perhaps statements the Imam has made about America, Bin Laden, Jihad and Shariah.

Planned Site of GZ Mosque

I believe in open dialogue and many points of view. I believe in free speech, but I’ve let it be known that this man is not who he says he is and is not the voice of moderation–far from it. This week I’m featuring on my program people who have been explaining why Imam Rauf is not the moderate he claims. Please see the links to those interviews below.
Andy McCarthy, Robert Spencer, Brigitte Gabriel and others are being featured on my program to explain the Imam and his radical beliefs, the effrontery of a proposed mosque built as close as possible to Ground Zero, and his past comments about America being deserving of being attacked on 9/11.

As Victor Davis Hansen has pointed out:

To his liberal defenders, he is a sort of respectable Deepak Chopra who at respectable places like Aspen mouths pop platitudes of interfaith tolerance — so much so that our own State Department has employed him, apparently for quite some time, for goodwill gallivanting abroad. 
But to those in the Middle East, he is known equally well for doing what he can, as a Western liberal, to contextualize terrorism, bin Laden, and Islamic extremism within the tired Western postmodern tropes of cultural relativism: “The United States’ policies were an accessory to the crime that happened” on 9/11; “In fact, in the most direct sense, Osama bin Laden is made in the U.S.A.”; “The U.S. and the West must acknowledge the harm they have done to Muslims before terrorism can end”; “The issue of terrorism is a very complex question”; “The Islamic method of waging war is not to kill innocent civilians. But it was Christians in World War II who bombed civilians in Dresden and Hiroshima, neither of which were military targets” — blah, blah, blah, like all the thinkery that one hears in the faculty lounge.

Please contact me (victoria@victoriataft.com) if you are interested in using our first amendment right to picket against the Ground Zero Imam. He’s fortunate to be living in a country that celebrates free speech even as he calls for America to turn to Shariah.

See my recent interviews on this issue from the Victoria Taft Show.
Robert Spencer – Director of Jihad Watch, talks about Imam Rauf.  Click to Listen!

Kevin Palau of the Luis Palau Assn.- bringing Feisal Abdul Rauf to Portland.  Click to Listen!

Andy McCarthy – talking about Imam Rauf.  Click to Listen!
Gabe Lyons – Founder of the Q Blog, talks about Imam Rauf.  Click to Listen!

Many of you have been involved in fighting for liberty,  for American values and other worthy goals, but if we don’t fight back against the lies told by these people who wish to compromise us we won’t have a country or liberty to defend.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://www.victoriataft.com