CNN Poll On Democrats Convention

August 25, 2008


Although not scientific, the results don’t look too promising for firing up the Democrats Base.

How much of the Democratic National Convention do you plan to watch?
A lot 16% 57119
A little 28% 99596
None 55% 195406
Total Votes: 352121 (as of 12:30 AM Aug 25)

Source (midway down the page on the right)

Will the GOP fare better? We’ll see soon.

UPDATE: The Polls already changed. Today’s question doesn’t fare much better it seems.

How do you rate Michelle Obama’s convention speech?
Thumbs up 35% 32685
Thumbs down 12% 11096
Didn’t watch it 53% 50216
Total Votes: 93997

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://