Boston Marathon Bombing: I KNOW Where They Went to School, Now I Want to Know Where They Went to Mosque

April 19, 2013


boston marathon suspects fbi pageIslamists are conducting both violent and civilizational jihad against the United States. It doesn’t matter WHY terrorists like these say they blew up innocents. It all comes down to the Islamist belief that we are infidels and the Great Satan. This is a civilizational war. THEY’RE playing for impact and WE’RE promising them hot cocoa, understanding and a lawyer. 

We know all about where they went to school now, media, but WHAT MOSQUE DID THEY GO TO? Who were their favorite Imams? Is Anwar al Awlacki all over their hard drives? 

Why is this important? Because it matters whether their Imam believes in violent jihad. Such was the case of Mohamed Mohumud, the would be Christmas Tree Bomber in Portland, Oregon who told his jihad buddies that there was a great Mosque in Portland. This was part of the evidence brought out in his court case I attended. See my post on that here. 

Chechen “rebels” are the same bunch who conducted the Beslan school massacre.

This is the group that an Oregon “charity” gave money to.