November 10, 2011


If you believe in your constitutional rights, general rally at #occupyportland at 1130pm 11/12/11. #occupypdx #opdx

If you believe Wall ST/BigBank committed fraud, general rally at #occupyportland at 1130pm 11/12/11. #occupypdx #opdx

RT @beachbc: If you believe in your constitutional rights, general rally at #occupyportland at 1130pm 11/12/11. #occupypdx #opdx

RT @sarahmorrigan: STFU Victoria Taft #OccupyPortland #OPDX

@yrtnevoc This isn’t a battle against city police.I will do what I did last time, sit down, and if they choose to detain me so be it.#opdx

RT @sarahmorrigan: STFU Victoria Taft #OccupyPortland #OPDX

@KGWNews lol… darn dead scared eh? #paranoid #OPDX #OccupyPortland

@EthanLeeVita @occupytogether The heli is from KGW channel 8 according to its own tweet @KGWnews #opdx #occupyportland

hahaha “fine, don’t want us to occupy the lawn, we’ll occupy the doorstep” #occupypdx #opdx #occupyportland

@parhamr If we could get tons of peeps in other parks on Nov 13, we could complicate police response.#opdx

@MayorSamAdams My kids are visiting tonight through Tuesday. Can you postpone the #opdx deadline for a week so we can head to the gorge?