3, 2, 1 …Obama Blames Republicans for Credit Downgrade

August 6, 2011


It’s laughable, but so expected and predicted. The point is: The GOP could have stood firmer on cuts, caps and balanced budget –standing on principle–and still would have been blamed. The GOP should have held out for deep cuts that would have helped their country–not just the next news cycle and election.
Their compromise was blamed for yesterday’s market dip and today their compromise was blamed for the credit downgrade.
Stand up for what’s right and the public opinion polls, election results and the country’s economic future will take care of themselves.
Of course as you know the ratings companies were threatening a downgrade for weeks…

The credit agencies (the same ones which claimed CDO’s were AAA) said the US had to trim $4 Trillion off its books before they’d consider keeping the AAA rating. The #debtzilla deal did not do that. The Democrats wouldn’t let it and the Republicans let them get away with it. And today Voila! we have a downgrade.
Here’s ABC’s Jake Tapper with his telltale tweet this afternoon:

And if you went to the story you found this nugget:

Two government officials tell ABC News that the federal government is expecting and preparing for bond rating agency Standard & Poor’s to downgrade the rating of U.S. debt from its current AAA value.
Official reasons given, one official says, will be the political confusion surrounding the process of raising the debt ceiling, and lack of confidence that the political system will be able to agree to more deficit reduction. A source says Republicans saying that they refuse to accept any tax increases as part of a larger deal will be part of the reason cited. The official was unsure if the bond rating would be AA+ or AA.

Don’t act like I never told ya.

Tell ’em where you saw it. Http://www.victoriataft.com